North Carolina’s DUI / DWI “Booze it & Lose it” campaign begins for the holidays
The statewide Holiday Booze it & Lose it initiative is currently in progress, as announced by the NC Governor’s Highway Safety Program.
Running until January 1, 2024, the Booze It & Lose It campaign involves heightened DUI / DWI patrols by both local and state law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina. It is emphasized in the announcement that individuals should plan for a safe ride in advance and abstain from driving while impaired.
Apart from the increased law enforcement presence, motorists can anticipate encountering sobriety checkpoints on various roadways.
“The implementation of these checkpoints reinforces a zero-tolerance stance on driving under the influence,” states the Southport Police Department.
The North Carolina Department of Transportation warns that individuals caught driving while impaired may face severe consequences, including jail time, loss of driving privileges, and an average financial burden of $10,000 in fines, towing fees, and other expenses associated with a DWI. This hefty price tag doesn’t even account for the potential cost of a lost life.
According to the NCDOT, alcohol-related crashes have claimed the lives of over 9,000 people in the state since 1994.