How to Choose the Best Attorney for Your Case
Lawyers often get a bad rap. From assumptions of overcharging, to not caring enough about their clients, to the myth that all attorneys spend billable hours lying through their teeth, it’s no wonder that the average citizen considers finding the right one in times of need to be a hassle!
But here’s the thing: stereotypes against lawyers are just like those assigned to anyone else. They aren’t always true, and there is the right attorney out there waiting to help you with your case, no matter how pressing or difficult. So when you know you’re in need of reliable representation, it’s important to know how you can go about choosing the best attorney to help see you and your loved ones through the legal proceedings to come.
No two situations are exactly alike, but there are some basic steps you can take to make the best call on who you hire to represent you on your day in court. Check out these guidelines from your local attorney at Wentz Law Firm, and learn more about what kind of counsel you need on your side!
Phone a friend
Whether you’re looking for a new dentist, a good landscaper, or a more adventurous hairstylist, like most people, you’re likely to ask a friend who he or she works with even before you try hitting up the internet for suggestions. Why should finding a lawyer be any different? If you know someone who’s been in a similar situation as yours, and whom you can trust, ask for a personal recommendation. At that point, you’ll know you have at least one firsthand account of a client’s experiences that you can use to gauge if this particular lawyer is the one for you.
Get second opinions
Having your friend’s stamp of approval is a positive step towards employability in an attorney, but it never hurts to get a second opinion. Maybe you know other attorneys that, though they specialize elsewhere and can’t consult on your case with the level of confidence you’d like, happen to have worked with or seen this new lawyer in action. They can give you the professional scoop on whether or not a legal representative consistently does well by his or her clients and will help you the ways you need most. You can get similar information from legal directories online, and sites like FindLaw or Super Lawyers.
Embrace the digital age
There is at least one major benefit to today’s online-obsessed world: the internet can tell you just about anything you want (or don’t want) to know, including the kind of lawyer you might hire! If you think you’ve found the perfect legal representation via word from a friend or one of those handy sites we mentioned, do a little more digging just to be safe. And a good place to start is by perusing the attorney’s online presence. Find his or her website, skim through social media posts (both for the firm and for the individual if you can find the right accounts), and read through some reviews that past clients took the time to leave on Google or were eventually added to the firm’s website. In this circumstance, you really do want to see the good, the bad, and yes, the ugly, before you make any binding decisions.
Meet and greet
Make an appointment with this attorney for a consultation. You’re not under any obligation to hire him or her right off the bat, but sitting down face-to-face and going over the case can help answer some questions you might have about he or she operates. Plus, you know what they say about a first impression? That goes double for when you’re vetting a professional, so sometimes all it takes is briefly meeting with a lawyer to know if he or she is the best attorney for your case, or if you should continue the search.
Trying to choose the best attorney for your situation can be a frustrating process, but it doesn’t have to end with you picking one at random just to have it over and done with or resisting the urge to pace a whole in the floor. Instead, approach it from all the right angles, and you’ll be much more likely to find the right representation for you and your case.
And if you need a reliable resource in New Hanover or Pender counties, check out Brett Wentz and his expertise! Even if he can’t help you in your particular scenario, Brett is well-established in the area and may be able to point you in the right direction.